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카테고리 없음

교환학생 에세이

(each section should not exceed 250 word count)


   I prefer winter to summer. This is not because I prefer to freeze to death rather than burnt to death. It’s because I can be more emotional and thereby more philosophical in the winter. When I’m being a philosopher like that, I contemplate on one thing: the essence of beauty. I like science and music. Science is the study of phenomena searching for the truth. Music is the representation of human soul in the form of sound. While they may seem different a lot, I find a common point from them. They are both beautiful.


   I learned electrical engineering in my college. I was very impressed by the fact that all state-of-the-art IT technologies are based on the research of semiconductors. Semiconductors make up circuits, circuits make up systems, systems make up computer chips, computer chips generate signals, and signals let computers communicate with each other.


   However, I find the lack of beauty disturbing. I think there yet remains tremendous amount of beauty in the field of computer science, and the greatest beauty of computer science will be revealed by the advancements in the study of artificial intelligence.


   My college is in Daejeon, Korea that was politically planned to be national scientific hub. However there’s only science, but not music. While I sing as a vocalist in a school rock band, that doesn’t feel my heart so much. I want to experience a bigger environment where there are both science and art. This’s why I want to go to NY.




 [Dream and Ambition]

   I am going to become a great computer scientist. However, I want to become a person who is beloved rather than respected. I like Newton, but I don’t admire him, because he hated women and vilified Robert Hooke. I like and admire Michael Faraday, not only because he was a distinguished scientist, but also he had very good personality. He contributed to public’s science education a lot.


   About computer science, I like all sub-areas of computer science like automata theory, computability theory, cryptography, information theory, robotics, ubiquitous computing and so on. However, what I really want to do is artificial intelligence. I’m sure AI will change the world forever. In the book “The Singularity Is Near” by Ray Kurzweil, the author says by 2045 computers will be able to compute better than human brains. While the author claims the AIs will spread throughout the universe, I think he underestimates the group intelligence of human being. I think it will be possible enough to control artificial intelligence, and that will bring another industrial revolution by making machines strikingly more intelligent. 


   Regarding to non-computer science stuffs, I want to establish institutions to support the people who work in the pure field of art and science. The essence of art is to pursue beauty, and that of science is to search for the truth. However, being capitalism dominant, artists and scientists get pressure of making money. I want to support them so that the world becomes more beautiful and fruitful by their efforts.


이건 2015년에 썼었다. 좀 오글거린다.